The Great Kindness Challenge

The Great Kindness Challenge is dedicated to creating and experiencing a culture of kindness on campuses nationwide.

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Process Precedes Content

“As a child becomes familiar with the expectations in a Montessori classroom, they develop a sense of internal order helping them navigate through the multitude of decisions they make on a daily basis.”


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Concentration in the Classroom

“It is the gift of the Montessori education that a child is methodically shown the process for doing a job, moving in the classroom, or taking care of their body …”


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Physical Activity Enhances Cognition

The Effects of Enhanced Physical Education on Academic Achievement


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Spring Comes to Foothills

“The children are eagerly planting strawberries, tomatoes, banana peppers, bell peppers, Asian lettuce, eggplants, and ornamental red and white cabbage …”


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Teaching Creativity

Should schools teach creativity? 

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Environment of Beauty

“The child should live in an environment of beauty.” — Maria Montessori

Tomorrow’s Leaders

By cultivating creativity, critical thinking and lifelong curiosity, our students can lead the way towards a brighter tomorrow.


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Our School Is Special

In so many ways. Come see for yourself — you’ll feel it in the air. It’s the magical atmosphere of a place where future ambassadors of academic excellence, universal values, global understanding and service are beginning their lifelong adventure.



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