Applying Montessori Principles at Home 4

Today, we conclude our look at 8 principles of Montessori education and how they can be applied in the home, as explored in Angeline Lillard’s book, Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius. In our last three posts on Applying Montessori Principles at Home, we discussed Movement and Cognition, Interest, ChoiceAvoidance of Extrinsic Rewards, and Interaction with and Learning from Peers. Today we conclude by examining the final three principles, Learning in Context, Communication, and Order the Environment and Mind.

Learning in Context

“Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.” – Maria Montessori

Create a meal from scratch, or make ice cream from a recipe

Visit a museum – bring a sketch pad and colored pencils and have the child create their own art

Spend time in the garden studying bugs, flowers, and listening to the sounds of peace and quiet

Allow your child to have their own shopping list at the grocery store – have them record their prices and add their total


“If we could say, ‘We are respectful and courteous in our dealing with children, we treat them as we should like to be treated ourselves,’’ we should have mastered a great educational principle and be setting an example of good education.” – Maria Montessori

Have family meetings – discuss family expectations regarding behavior and academics

Create chore lists together where each person chooses their assigned chore(s)

Create an annual family newsletter

Involve your child in rearranging their bedroom or playroom

Do things you wouldn’t normally do or do not like to do – children need to see that you are flexible and willing to do new things or do things you do not like to do

Order the Environment and Mind

“The first aim of the prepared environment is, as far as it is possible, to render the growing child independent of the adult.” – Maria Montessori, The Secret of Childhood, 1966

Adopt the “ten minute tidy” to end of the day

Keep the environment clear of clutter

Have child’s belongings displayed on low shelves and not in toy boxes

Applying Montessori Principles at Home 3

Today, we continue our look at 8 principles of Montessori education and how they can be applied in the home, as explored in Angeline Lillard’s book, Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius. In our last two Applying Montessori Principles at Home posts, we discussed Movement and Cognition, followed by Interest and Choice; today we move on to examine Avoidance of Extrinsic Rewards and Interaction with and Learning from Peers.

Avoidance of Extrinsic Rewards

“The prize and the punishment are incentives towards unnatural of forced effort, and therefore we certainly cannot speak of the natural development of the child in connection with them.” (Maria Montessori, The Montessori Method, 1912)

Challenge children to reach goals.

Praise effort in completing a task. Do not over praise; authenticity is important.

Ask the child, “How do you feel about accomplishing…?”

Interaction with and Learning from Peers

“There is a great sense of community within the Montessori classroom, where children of differing ages work together in an atmosphere of cooperation rather than competitiveness. There is respect for the environment and for the individuals within it, which comes through experience of freedom within the community.” (Maria Montessori, The Essential Montessori, 1986)

Host playdates with friends from school

Schedule outings with other families and observe how the children play together

Host family game nights with another family

Join us on Friday as we continue our exploration of the 8 principles of Montessori education and how they can be applied in the home!

Applying Montessori Principles at Home 2

Today, we continue our look at 8 principles of Montessori education and how they can be applied in the home, as explored in Angeline Lillard’s book, Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius. In our last post, we began with Movement and Cognition; today we move on to examine Interest and Choice.


“An interesting piece of work, freely chosen, which has the virtue of inducing concentration rather than fatigue, adds to the child’s energies and mental capacities, and leads him to self-mastery.” (Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, 1995)

  • Have different genres of books readily available in basket or on low shelf
  • Play educational board games focused on language or math skills
  • Take mini field trips to pet store after researching an animal
  • Write letters to family members in other areas of the world
  • Have a basket of interesting pictures available during dinner time and discuss the pictures together
  • Allow children quiet time to think and develop their own interests


“No one can be free unless he is independent. Therefore, the first active manifestations of the child’s individual liberty must be so guided that through this activity he may arrive at independence.” (Maria Montessori, The Montessori Method, 1912)

  • Place a few choice shirts, bottoms, socks, and underwear in drawers the child can reach and allow the child to choose his own clothing
  • Place a basket in the refrigerator with snack items from which your child may choose
  • Allow your child to set the table for meals by making place settings (plates, bowls, utensils, cups) available in a low cabinet
  • Allow your child to serve himself food (small pitchers make serving himself easier)

Join us next week as we continue our exploration of the 8 principles of Montessori education and how they can be applied in the home!

Roots and Wings

The following speech, entitled “Roots and Wings,” was given by Maddie Hoggan at our 2014 8th grade graduation ceremony. Please enjoy this perspective from the eyes of an FMS graduate!

One day, a sprout popped out of the earth. The beautiful days and the sun helped to make it grow bigger and bigger. Once in a while, a gust of wind would blow, helping the plant’s roots get stronger. One day, a storm came and bent the plant, but that never stopped it. This plant grew into a beautiful, tall tree. To me, this is what childhood is like, never stopping to look back, wishing for the day when you are finally a year older. But at the point when you stop growing, you need more than just a trunk, leaves, and roots. You need something that will push you into the world. You need wings to soar as high as you can and as fast as you can. You can take your roots everywhere you go, but you have to leave the place where you grew them. This is where all of us are, we are ready to use our wings and fly to different places.

I’ve been going to FMS for 10 years, during that time, I have developed deep roots. When I first came to this school, I was so quiet I would barely talk to anyone, but after FMS encouraged me, I found the confidence to talk forever. My first memory at this school was of pouring water, making sure not to lose any. This developed my patience and my fine motor skills. One of my other memories from primary was reading the Bob books, which were books that consisted of sentences like, “Bobplayed,” or “Bob sat.” I remember being so proud of myself when I was finally put into a group where I could read the Bob books. This increased my self-confidence by reading with the teacher. In lower elementary, I remember trying so hard each week to finish my goals. This developed the drive in me to accomplish anything I worked hard at. In upper elementary, more freedom was given to accomplish what needed to be done; you had to plan out your day. In middle school, the standards of work increased, in preparation for high school. Each of these things helped grow my wings and prepare for me to leave this school.

Although our school experience has been incredible, there have been a few bumps in all of our roads. For me, my experience was when I was four, I decided to try to get to my room with my eyes closed, and promptly, I fell down the stairs and broke my arm. A few trips to the emergency room, more broken bones, and stitches also crossed my path. But everyone should have bad experiences, because they are as important as good experiences. A philosopher once said, “For a tree to become tall, it must grow tough roots among the rocks.”

But, of course none of us would be here without support and help along the way. All of the teachers at this school are so supportive and dedicated. They have helped all of us mature and grow. Our minds are filled with knowledge because of them; I think we are all confident to use what we’ve learned and fly to new places. The most supportive people of all are our parents. Not only have they allowed all of us the incredible opportunity to go to this school but they will be with us forever. They help us through hard times and encourage us through everything else. Not only are they responsible for our roots, but they have the hard job of giving us our wings. We are all grateful for them.

Even though this is the end for us here, we will never forget FMS, the great memories, and close friendships this school has created. Leaving something you care about is hard, but as Dr. Seuss so perfectly said, “Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.”

Applying Montessori Principles at Home 1

At its core, Montessori philosophy celebrates and nurtures each child’s authentic nature, his part in a bigger picture, and his intrinsic desire to learn. Montessorians view Montessori philosophy as a way of life; carried throughout all facets of the child’s life. So if Montessori isn’t just something that happens at school, how can it be practiced at home?

To help build a bridge from home to school, let’s begin with a look at 8 principles of Montessori education. In Angeline Lillard’s book, Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius, she discusses Montessori’s holistic approach to educating the child. Today, we begin with the first principle of a Montessori classroom, as explored in Lillard’s research on Montessori education, Montessori’s thoughts, and ideas for the home.

Movement and Cognition

“The child needs activity concentrated on some task that requires movement of the hands, guided by the intellect.” (The Science Behind the Genius, 1966)

Tips for the Home:

Dance to music in the house – count the beats

Ride bikes together

Play at the local park

Count the number of steps up to the slide

Play hopscotch

Play I-Spy

Explore unstructured art and crafts

Work with mazes

Try intricate coloring patterns

Play together with wooden blocks and games: pattern games, Legos, etc.

Develop structures, pulleys, vehicles

Allow your child alone-time to explore his own creativity

Join us on next Tuesday as we explore two more principles of Montessori education and how

they can be applied in the home!

Summer Camp Week 2 – Science Week

Welcome to the laboratory where students will conduct multiple experiments using the miracle of nature, better known as the egg. Did you know you can walk on a carton of eggs with the right amount of surface tension and not break them? Let your child see the amazing transformation of an egg from the carton to what it feels like after sitting in a glass of vinegar for a week. Students will explore the concepts of flexibility, shrinking, and even erupting of the egg membranes. Immerse your child in the science of physics and chemistry and activities that are engaging, visually stimulating, and all tied to fundamental science.

The week of science camp will explore colors and how a homemade color wheel can be designed and used to trick the brain into thinking it sees secondary colors when the wheel is spun in motion. Chemical reactions will be engaged in making “elephant toothpaste”, plastic, and determining the density of skittles. All of these activities will give your child the joy of using common kitchen materials in the classroom while witnessing the marvels of nature as fundamental laws of physics and chemistry are explored.

Summer Reading

Are you looking for some fun, interesting ways to keep reading a part of your child’s days this summer? In addition to regular book time together, these tips from Baan Dek Montessori in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, will help incorporate reading into your everyday activities to keep skills fresh.

And here is a link to a great local summer reading program.

Henderson Libraries

How to Reach Joyful Obedience

Maria Montessori believed obedience develops naturally in the child’s character. The word “obey” is derived from the Latin word audire, which means “to hear.” Obedience begins with hearing a request and ends with an action in response. Humans learns skills in stages. We tend to move between the stages, repeating the activity, gaining new skills, until we can do it with no further instructions.

First Stage: We are introduced to a new activity and have assistance to complete the activity correctly.

Second Stage: We choose do an activity but do not always take the initiative to do it (needs reminders).

Third Stage: We know what we need to do and do it without asking.

Does this sound familiar? Or have these words ever come out of your mouth: “How many times do I have to remind you to…?” Sounds like Stage 2, doesn’t it? Children will move through these levels back and forth until they have internalized the rule, and it becomes a natural pattern of behavior for them.

Maria Montessori’s Levels of Obedience

First Stage of Obedience (Children under 3 years): 

Montessori believed that before children could learn obedience, they needed to be able to control their urges. As she stated, “If he cannot obey even his own will, he cannot obey the will of someone else.” At this stage, the child will be both obedient and disobedient to parent commands. For parents, this is the first time they hear, “No!” from their child. Parents can help support this stage of development by encouraging their child to be independent (walking by themselves instead of being carried, putting himself to sleep/selfsoothing, and using their words to express their needs are all examples).

Second Stage of Obedience (Over Three Years of Age):

Montessori believed that at this stage the child can always obey, because he is now in control of his body. He can now take directions by his own will or that of another. Children at this stage of development will be seen by adults in their world as being very compliant. The child is helpful and does not want to disappoint. Although at this stage many parents feel a sense of accomplishment, children will move back to stage one and up to stage two a few times. Parents who have heard these words, “I forgot how to tie my shoes,” know how frustrating this process can be. Be patient. They will move back to this stage and into stage three. The most important thing to remember is to encourage the child to keep moving forward in his development. Responses such as, “I believe in you. Try again,” will do wonders to keep development moving forward.

Third Stage of Obedience:

Joyful obedience is the term Montessori used to describe this stage. The child at this stage is obedient not because of external forces, but because he has developed a high level of self respect. He makes appropriate choices in the absence of adult presence. At this stage parents are encouraged to support relationship and observe how the child handles himself.

An example of the Three Stages of Obedience in a four-year-old:

First Stage:

A parent and child are at a park. It is time to leave. Child begins crying. Parent reiterates it is time to leave and a tantrum follows. Parent picks up the child to leave. (Child has not learned to self-regulate feelings. No explanations will work at this stage.)

Second Stage:

A parent and child are at a park. It is time to leave. Child begins crying. Parent reiterates it is time to leave and explains they will come back again soon. Child stops themselves from crying, and they go home.

Third Stage:

A parent and child are at the park. It is time to leave. Child says, “Okay. Can I carry the bag back to the car?” Encouraging this type of development may seem like a daunting task, but it is a very important one. Learning how to self-regulate and to become obedient to themselves is important to raising healthy, independent adults.

Obedience is seen as something which develops in the child in much the same way as other aspects of his character. At first it is dictated purely by the vital impulses, then it rises to the level of consciousness, and thereafter it goes on developing, stage by stage, till it comes under the control of the conscious will. – Maria Montessori

How Do Students Do After Montessori?

One of the questions we are most frequently asked when families are touring our school is, “How do the students do once they leave Montessori?” A recent research study by AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) reveals that Montessori students who transition to traditional settings score higher in Mathematics and Science than students with no Montessori background. For students who have attended a Montessori program for three to eleven years, significantly higher scores are noted. If you have further questions regarding our students’ performance, please reach out to us.

Praise and Intrinsic Motivation

All parents want their children to be independent, self-reliant, and have the opportunity to be creative. In an effort to support the child, parents often say “good job” for the simplest successes. However, praising interferes with natural learning and come become a form of control. Children learn their actions are celebrated and can begin to perform for adults versus interacting with them.

Here are a few findings about children who are over-praised:
• Praised children do not perform as well as intrinsically motivated children
• Praised children produce lower test results
• Praised children become dependent on others
• Praised children become less successful at tasks

Studies have shown that children’s motivation, creativity, social interactions, and overall cognitive functioning are negatively affected by extrinsic rewards and false praise. Children know when they deserve the praise or recognition for a job well done – they also understand when do not deserve it. Many times children will stop performing or begin acting out because they feel there is no standard they must reach.

Instead, encourage your child. Encouragement is powerful self-esteem boosting tool. Focus on:

Effort – “What a great effort you made today!”
Improvement – “Wow, you did five more sit-ups today.”

Contribution and Involvement – “Your team worked well together today. I saw you work together with Johnny on that play that scored.”
Confidence – “I can see how proud you are.”

As a parent, it is difficult to know the fine line between appropriate praise and encouragement. Instead of praise, find opportunities to intrinsically motivate your child. Be specific on what you are complimenting about to your child. For example, instead of saying “Great job on that picture!”, say “I really like how you took your time to color in the lines.” Instead of saying “Good work!”, say ”It looks like you really tried to use your best handwriting on this piece of work.”

So remember… we should encourage and display gratitude instead of praising the smallest tasks. Your children will thank you for it later in life!

For more information on this topic, please read “Five Reasons to Stop Saying ‘Good Job’” by Alfie Kohn, a leading author and speaker on education, parenting, and human behavior.