Roots and Wings

The following speech, entitled “Roots and Wings,” was given by Maddie Hoggan at our 2014 8th grade graduation ceremony. Please enjoy this perspective from the eyes of an FMS graduate!

One day, a sprout popped out of the earth. The beautiful days and the sun helped to make it grow bigger and bigger. Once in a while, a gust of wind would blow, helping the plant’s roots get stronger. One day, a storm came and bent the plant, but that never stopped it. This plant grew into a beautiful, tall tree. To me, this is what childhood is like, never stopping to look back, wishing for the day when you are finally a year older. But at the point when you stop growing, you need more than just a trunk, leaves, and roots. You need something that will push you into the world. You need wings to soar as high as you can and as fast as you can. You can take your roots everywhere you go, but you have to leave the place where you grew them. This is where all of us are, we are ready to use our wings and fly to different places.

I’ve been going to FMS for 10 years, during that time, I have developed deep roots. When I first came to this school, I was so quiet I would barely talk to anyone, but after FMS encouraged me, I found the confidence to talk forever. My first memory at this school was of pouring water, making sure not to lose any. This developed my patience and my fine motor skills. One of my other memories from primary was reading the Bob books, which were books that consisted of sentences like, “Bobplayed,” or “Bob sat.” I remember being so proud of myself when I was finally put into a group where I could read the Bob books. This increased my self-confidence by reading with the teacher. In lower elementary, I remember trying so hard each week to finish my goals. This developed the drive in me to accomplish anything I worked hard at. In upper elementary, more freedom was given to accomplish what needed to be done; you had to plan out your day. In middle school, the standards of work increased, in preparation for high school. Each of these things helped grow my wings and prepare for me to leave this school.

Although our school experience has been incredible, there have been a few bumps in all of our roads. For me, my experience was when I was four, I decided to try to get to my room with my eyes closed, and promptly, I fell down the stairs and broke my arm. A few trips to the emergency room, more broken bones, and stitches also crossed my path. But everyone should have bad experiences, because they are as important as good experiences. A philosopher once said, “For a tree to become tall, it must grow tough roots among the rocks.”

But, of course none of us would be here without support and help along the way. All of the teachers at this school are so supportive and dedicated. They have helped all of us mature and grow. Our minds are filled with knowledge because of them; I think we are all confident to use what we’ve learned and fly to new places. The most supportive people of all are our parents. Not only have they allowed all of us the incredible opportunity to go to this school but they will be with us forever. They help us through hard times and encourage us through everything else. Not only are they responsible for our roots, but they have the hard job of giving us our wings. We are all grateful for them.

Even though this is the end for us here, we will never forget FMS, the great memories, and close friendships this school has created. Leaving something you care about is hard, but as Dr. Seuss so perfectly said, “Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.”