Career Week

“Follow your passion, develop a strong work ethic, lean in when you feel nervous about your skills,” are all words of wisdom gained from the 24 presenters during the middle school career week.  Lawyers, entrepreneurs, writers, doctors, engineers, salespeople, and performers all presented a 20-minute overview of their career path, education, training, and some of the unexpected turns they made along the way.  Many presenters were parents of current or former students, and one presentation was delivered by a FMS alumni!

Flexibility, curiosity, and drive were all on display from the presenters as they described their pathways from attending college to working in their field and discovering along the way deeper ties to their field, or in some cases switching to new careers altogether.  An optimistic and inspiring attitude permeated the presentations as parents revealed they may have been reticent to talk in front of an audience at times during their career and how they worked through their own insecurities.  Some of the advice was practical such as “try to find a need and fill it” and when you have that idea “get big quick.”  Others simply emphasized that it matters far less than what you are doing for a career and far more on how you are doing for your life.

Students asked very good questions when engaging the presenters and were able to form viable impressions of the stated career.  The seeds of tomorrow were planted among the students as they were able to absorb the wisdom and life experience from our parents and begin their own reflective process of dreaming of a future career.