Living Out Our Core Values

Service is a core value of our learning community. Every grade level and student council completes at least one service project each year. Students learn about the group of individuals their project will support and the entire school community is invited to participate by making donations. 

Lower Elementary students completed their service project on April 16th. The service project’s goal was to help students at Laura Dearing Elementary School, a Title 1 elementary school in Las Vegas. Students at Dearing Elementary were in need of snacks that would help students remain full and energized throughout the day and McDonald’s gift cards to incentivize students to come to school every day. Within the first few days of the project alone, the cars of our lower elementary teachers were overflowing with donations. The kindness and generosity of our families is absolutely incredible.

The students from each lower elementary school classroom also walked a mile as a “Walk Together” fundraiser for the donations. The walk allowed the lower elementary students to work in solidarity when they have had to remain separate due to COVID-19 policies. The gift of service teaches us all that we are global citizens and thinking outside of ourselves can lead to powerful community change. 

We are so proud of our community!