Talia Steinwald, FMS Class of ‘14

Talia Steinwald started her FMS education when she was 3 years old entering the preschool program, followed by completing all of her elementary and middle school years on campus.

Favorite FMS Memory

When I tell my friends that I spent many afternoons reading in a loft bed as a third grader, or that my first midterm or final exam was during my freshman year of high school, I am often met with a look of bewilderment. FMS filled my childhood with memories and a family that both continue to be very crucial components of my life today. In my earlier years at FMS, some of my favorite memories were going on hikes as a class, whether it be at Mount Charleston or Zion. On each of these trips (and believe me, there were many), I was taught and reminded that there is a world beyond numbers and letters, and to be connected and enjoy my own little universe. And the best part, perhaps, of my time at FMS was as I entered middle school. Learning never became boring or a dread. Some of the best memories were because of Mrs. Erica, who spent countless hours creating songs about bones, the 13 colonies, and our digestive system; all to famous songs. And beyond her secret talent of songwriting, she knew how to bring learning to life, as we got to experience many simulations from history (Ellis Island and the Oregon Trail to name a few) that allowed us to bring our lessons to life.

Recent/Current School Activities

Over my past four years of high school at The Meadows School, I played varsity basketball and served as captain of the team,  starting as a sophomore and continuing through my senior year. I co-created (along with one of my teachers) a club that was designed to help incoming freshmen feel welcomed and at ease in a new environment. While this club was my “baby,” I was also a member of the National Honors Society, Spanish Honors Society, the Photo Club, Arts Honors Society, and graduated Cum Laude. I volunteered my time as a photographer for football games and other school events.

Future Plans

I will be attending the University of Notre Dame and work towards becoming a licensed architect. Within those five years, I will be lucky enough to spend my entire junior year learning in Rome, studying first-hand the many ancient buildings and experiences a new culture.

Favorite Thing About Montessori

With a Montessori education comes an understanding that each child is their own individual and should always be given the respect of one, no matter the age. Now looking back on my whole educational experience from preschool to now entering college, I can wholeheartedly say that my genuine appreciation for learning is from the home I had at FMS. From my first day at Foothills until my last, I was privileged enough to be in a place I was happy to call a second home. Rather than being expected to be a carbon copy of the next kid, I was allowed to establish my own personality, work at my own pace, and was respected as an individual.