
Miro, Klee, Mehndi and More

In Art class with Ms. Angela, students have been creating works inspired by artists Alberto Giacometti, Joan Miro, Paul Klee and Hieronymous Bosch and by the artistry of Mehndi (henna).


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Finding Inspiration

In Ms. Angela’s art class, students created art inspired by graffiti, Renaissance apothecary shops, architecture, the holiday season and more! Check out her blog and pictures below:

“Winter is here and we are busy creating in every classroom. FMS Students are working hard on beautiful pieces that would inspire any artist to create. I am always amazed by their perspective and ability to take on any project whether they are 3 or 13 years of age.

In Middle School, students are completing a graffiti-inspired piece. After some discussion about the nature of graffiti and the debate of art vs. vandalism, students began a chipboard piece using acrylic paint. The diversity is remarkable!

In Upper Elementary, children completed clay relief medallions with India ink and rubbing alcohol. I’m sure you’ll agree that the results are beautiful. We’ve also discussed the role of the apothecary during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Students created small glass necklaces based on apothecary jars and bottles.


In Lower Elementary, students were tasked with creating some holiday-inspired pieces. Perspective snowmen  and Romero Britto reindeer are everywhere! The pieces are both colorful and unique. The students’ use of perspective and design shows their mastery of the concepts presented.

In Primary, we have seen architectural renderings and unique line drawings. Our discussion of line has included construction and direction. We have even discussed line as emotion. It’s so impressive to see how easily inspired by literature they are. Recent books include Iggy Peck Architect and Lines that Wiggle.

I am really looking forward to beginning new projects based on Mehndi, Frankenthaler and DaVinci in 2014!”

Subscribe to Ms. Angela’s Art Blog here.

Meet Ms. Angela

“I look to each person whether old or young as a means to learn and grow … anything is possible with education, creativity and motivation.” — Angela Drew

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Foothills Montessori School is a private Montessori school serving families in Henderson, Las Vegas and Southern Nevada.

Art in October

From Ms. Angela’s art blog: “As you may have guessed, the students at Foothills Montessori are busy creating amazing works of art. Each time I walk into a classroom, I look around at all these shining faces and watch them continually challenge themselves to produce works that show their intelligence and creativity.


“The fall has brought all sorts of amazing lessons. In the Primary classroom, we have worked on color and shape. Primary parents may have noticed their children spinning colorful tops or creating rectangles by making teeth out of clay. This week, we used spices to add tone to funny little faces after reading a story entitled, The Color of Us.

“Lower Elementary has begun to learn about artists like Picasso and Modigliani by creating exaggerated super heroes. We’ve discovered a new way to make delicious looking sweet treats by constructing clay cupcakes. Artists like Thiebaud helped to inspire our non-sugary confections.

“In Upper Elementary students have been studying the Middle Ages and Renaissance with projects that include modern twists on stained glass and illuminations. Look for amazing personal castle construction in the next few weeks as we study ancient castles and cathedrals.

“After our Middle School students completed their kinetic sculptures, we began a little facial reconstruction. Using mannequin heads, the students are challenging themselves with creating recycled portraits. You wouldn’t believe what they can accomplish with a few plastic spoons and old water bottles.”

Subscribe to Ms. Angela’s art blog today!

Foothills Montessori School is a private Montessori school serving families in Henderson, Las Vegas and Southern Nevada.

Creating Art With Ms. Angela

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” — Pablo Picasso

Ms. Angela, our art specialist, has been busy keeping the artist’s spirit alive and burning within all of our students.

January subjects included the solar system, flower works inspired by Georgia O’Keefe and colorful three-dimensional abstract art in primary; Native Americans, sculpture and molded clay in lower elementary; and contemporary and historical pop culture in upper elementary and middle school.

February topics will include the oceans, perspective and scale; artistry inspired by the Cochiti, Lakota and Cherokee peoples; and projects relating to social concerns and creating opinion through art and design.

Thank you Ms. Angela for helping us to express our inner artist! We look forward to seeing more beautiful works next month.

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We love to PLAY!

Playing outside with friends is integral to every child’s development. It improves cognition, encourages mental and physical development, reduces stress, reinforces social bonds, enhances creativity and confidence … and of course, it’s just plain fun. The best memories from childhood are usually the ones involving interactive play with others in the great outdoors.

Richard Louv in his landmark book Last Child in the Woods discusses the fundamental need for children (and adults) to spend time outdoors. Instead of our weekly look inside a classroom, let’s join the children of E3 while they enjoy the interactive Science Playground, the open field and the Las Vegas winter sunshine just as children were meant to do.

And of course, nature can inspire great works of art. You are invited to visit the E3 classroom in person to view a gallery of artwork inspired by Georgia O’Keefe’s flower studies, incorporating watercolor, pencil, ink, tissue paper and collage pieces.

See many more pictures of E3 by visiting their classroom blog!

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Primary Students Explore Space

Through the month of January, our Primary classrooms are learning about space by exploring the planets, solar system, sun and constellations.

Says P4: “The children will explore what each planet looks like and the contents that make up the different planets. There are many different works out in our Science Area which allow the children to continue to learn all about our wonderful Solar System.”

P4 students also learned a “planet song” and did a special art project involving the sun with Ms. Angela.


In the Practical Life Area, there are new works on the shelves such as shoe polishing, plant washing and wood polishing. These beautiful materials encourage independence and order while enhancing fine motor skills, focus and level of concentration.

Says P3: “It is wonderful to see the high level of concentration that the students exhibit while working with these materials.”

P3 students also worked on drawing their self-portraits. “Some of our Kindergarteners have taken on the ‘job’ of leading the other children through their self-portrait work,” P3 continues. “This helps to build on communication skills between the children and helps to make them responsible for the jobs within our classroom.”

Read more and check out lots of pics under Classroom News!

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